Why are so many doctors addicted to drink or drugs?

According to recent figures, up to one in six doctors will have been addicted to drink or drugs – or both – at some point during their medical careers, which makes you wonder – these highly paid carers may have your life in their not so steady hands!

What’s more, a survey compiled from hospital trusts throughout the country found that a third of male junior doctors and nearly one in five of their female colleagues have used cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and other hallucinogenic drugs.

Doctors may believe that as they are in the medical profession they are more equipped to deal with their problems and so, it can easily spiral out of control. Although it may be relatively easy to spot a health professional who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, persistent long-term substance abuse is much harder to pick up.

So, whilst most medical staff are dealing with the increase in alcohol-related emergencies, these same professionals may also be intoxicated.

At present there are no country-wide rules preventing doctors from drinking. Nor is there a policy of random blood tests for drink and drugs, which seems surprising when other professionals such as bus and train drivers must regularly submit to. Something which may need to be introduced as studies have shown that doctors are three more times likely to die as a result of alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver.

Camino Recovery Centre offers addiction treatment for families, counselling for drink and drug abuse as well as treatment for depression and anxiety.

If you are concerned about any of these issues, then please contact Meena Lavender at the Camino Recovery Centre on +44 207 558 8420 or visit www.caminorecovery.com.


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