Art Therapy

How will art therapy help me ?

When people are experiencing trauma or conflict, or intense feelings, it can sometimes be difficult to express related emotions and feelings verbally. Art therapy offers the client the opportunity to explore, understand and resolve issues that they may find difficult to talk about.

The Art Therapy Association states that art therapy and the creative process involved in self-expression can help people to:

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We treat all of our clients with the utmost care, dignity and respect. Call now for a totally confidential, no obligation conversation with one of our professionals.

Whether you’re calling for yourself or someone you know, you needn’t suffer alone.

Do I need to be good at art?

No artistic experience or talent is required for the client to benefit fully from art therapy. Our art therapist is highly trained in art techniques as well as psychology and will guide and support you throughout the sessions. All you need is to be open to the experience and willing to engage and explore creatively.

What happens during art therapy sessions?

Art therapy sessions involve the exploration of a variety of different media including:

During your art therapy sessions, your therapist may ask you to do certain activities which are designed to help you explore your emotions and feelings in different ways. The types of art activities will depend on issues you may be exploring and also your own preferences. The focus will usually be on the process rather than creating a finished piece of art; however, any artwork created will belong to you.

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

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