Work Addiction Treatment


A compulsivity to work can be viewed by many as a good thing and even actively encouraged. Justified as a primary need to provide for ourselves and our loved ones, the lines can be blurred between what is healthy and what is not. Often driven by a need to succeed or achieve a certain status, it can also be used as an escape from emotional stress or difficult circumstances.

Work addiction, or workaholism as it is sometimes known, is generally accepted as a genuine mental health condition. Shame and perfectionism being common traits, work and achievement create a sensation of pleasure, a temporary high that works in the same way that drugs do to an addict. In a persistent search for this high, an addict finds themself unable to stop despite negative consequences. The effects can be as far-reaching and destructive as any other addiction.

In considering your behaviour, it is worth asking the following questions:

Universally accepted as a instrument for assessing the degree of the condition The Bergen Work Addiction Scale may provide more clarity.

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Whether you’re calling for yourself or someone you know, you needn’t suffer alone.


The reality is that this mental health condition can have far-reaching physical and emotional effects on your life. It is no less harmful than alcohol or drug addiction, although typically, it is culturally more acceptable.

Symptoms may include:

Physical effects can be sleep deprivation, exhaustion and general neglect of physical well-being. Emotionally, as with most addictions, it can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and guilt.


As with most behavioural addictions there are many ways of treating workaholism. There is no set method or type of intervention that works for everyone. Various therapies have proven successful in the past, including:

At the Camino Recovery, we provide a safe space in order to explore and express emotional blocks. Let our team of experienced professionals aid you in the process of identifying and working through the issues that hinder your functioning and ability to truly connect.

Call now for a free assessment with one of our specialists.

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