Caroline's Family Programme Experience

I just wanted to write and say thank you to you and your fantastic team for all the benefit I personally took from the family week program. The experience has left a deep, meaningful and profound effect on me, for which I am very grateful. I found the experience very compelling and interesting and incredibly helpful in beginning to understand and come to terms with the nature of addictions.

Reading through the family therapy program now after the event, it becomes much clearer, and I must congratulate you for putting things across in a way that family members can really understand – no easy thing to do! I personally arrived in some sort of shock, not knowing what on earth was going to happen, but it was all done in such a way as to take us step-by-step, and it’s only on reflection that I can see the enormous benefit family members get by attending your informal workshops. So, a huge thank you and also congratulations for having been able to put together a program which makes so much sense!

My partner is well and pretty fired up – attending many AA meetings and has seemingly benefited enormously from her stay with you.

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